SIAB Schools XC

The SIAB Schools Cross Country International was held in Callendar Park, Falkirk, Scotland on Saturday 19th March. East Munster was well represented by Lucy Holmes, Ard Scoil na nDeise (27th Junior Girls), Michael Troy, St. Augustine’s College (29th Junior Boys) & Claire Rafter, Ursuline Thurles (27th Intermediate Girls). The Irish Junior Girls team finished 4th, Junior Boys team was 3rd, Inter Girls team was 3rd & the Inter Boys team was 4th. Christopher O’Reilly, Douglas Community College (9th Junior Boys) & Darragh McElhinney, Colaiste Pobail Bheanntrai (22nd Inter Boys) were two other Munster athletes who also competed very well on the day. Congrats to everyone.

See AAI Report & results here.

See AAI Preview & Teams here.