All schools must be affiliated in order to participate in any event under the auspices of Irish Schools’ Athletics Association – this includes provincial and regional events. Affiliation is an annual payment from the school, regardless of number of athletes and events entered. The affiliation fee is currently €100. The Affiliation_Form should be completed and posted to Mary, Hon Secretary EMSAA, 10 Meadowlands, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford with the appropriate fee (see below regarding electronic payments)
No affiliation means no insurance means no competition.
Electronic Payment
For schools wishing to pay their affiliation fee by electronic transfer the following bank details are provided. It is most important that any payment by electronic transfer CLEARLY IDENTIFIES YOUR SCHOOL UNIQUELY on the payee reference. The onus is on your school to ensure that your payment is readily identifiable. For example: LCETB is NOT ADEQUATE, nor is St. Mary’s SS. EMSAA will not follow up ambiguous payments. The list of currently affiliated schools will be updated on a regular basis. If your school does not appear on this list then your affiliation has not been received, which means that your athletes could be denied the opportunity to compete. Payment by electronic transfer should be done well in advance of any competition entry deadline.